Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Liebster Award

To be honest this past Sunday was not being very nice to me
and I was feeling a little down.  So, to my surprise when I logged
into my email the lovely and awesome Robin at Stories to Tell
had delivered me a little pick me up.
(Someone knew I needed it!)

The Liebster Blog Award

I was super excited to say the least!

A little explanation...

The Liebster Award is given to fairly new blogger with
200 followers or less and to be honest it makes my heart sing
to know that someone is reading & enjoying (key word)
what I have to say!

So, thank you so much to Robin for
my little ray of sunshine on a fairly blah Sunday!
Now, my job is to nominate 5 more blogs with this fantastic award!
So with out further ado...

1. Aubrey @ The Kinch Life
I have to say that I think Aubrey is one awesome lady! 
She has an amazing personality and I have to read her blog daily.
Congratulations Aubrey!

2. Amanda @ Little Mrs. Can't Be Wrong
I recently stumbled upon Amanda's blog and I automatically
loved her first of all because the name of her blog and secondly
because she is a Gamecocks fan (my alma mater).
Congratulations Amanda!

3. Meg @ Sweetly Complicated
I just think Meg is super cute.  I also love her awesome blog
design, super simple and completely adorable.
Congratulations Meg!

4. Crissy @ A Berry Sweet Life
Crissy is this adorable southerner with an awesome blog design
plus her Blog name is fantastic!
Congratulations Crissy!

5. Meg @ Something Beautiful
Meg caught my attention during the weekly
 link up Oh, How Pinteresting.  She pins some awesome
 pics and we have a lot of the same taste!
Congratulations Meg!

If you girls have already been award I completely apologize,
I tried to make sure but to be honest I am just not sure!

So ladies here are your next steps:
1. Choose five up and coming blogs with less than 200 followers to award
2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
3. If you're not already a follower of their blog, that might be a great way
to show appreciation for the award. 
4. Post the award on your blog. Be sure to link back to the 5
blogs you awarded so that others can visit them.

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